Dear Colleague(s),

This periodic update seeks to provide you with the latest information on IELRC's research output and activities.


Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD-Journal)


New Publications




Water Project


The water project website has been updated. Selected water-related decisions of the High Courts of Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh,

Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal have been uploaded [ read more ]



Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD-Journal)


Publication of the second issue of 2008. Please follow this link for the full table of contents .

Articles are invited for the next issue of LEAD journal. Information

concerning article submissions can be found at . Please send your contributions to .



New Publications




Usha Ramanathan, Ostensible Poverty, Beggary and the Law , 43/44 Economic and Political Weekly (1 November 2008), p. 33. Philippe Cullet, The Global Warming Regime After 2012 – Towards a Focus on Equity, Vulnerability and Human Rights , 43/28 Economic and Political Weekly (12 July 2008), p.109.
Briefing Papers  

Chiara Armeni, The Right to Water in Italy (IELRC Briefing Paper 2008-01).   Chiara Armeni, The Right to Water in Belgium (IELRC Briefing Paper 2008-02).

Matthias Ruetschi, Déprivatisation de l'eau – L'expérience du Canton de Genève (IELRC Briefing Paper 2008-03).


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International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC)
International Environment House II, 1F
7 Chemin de Balexert
1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
+41 (0)22 797 26 23
+41 (0)22 797 26 23