Videh Upadhyay is an advocate and legal consultant and specialises in development and natural resources law. He practices in Delhi and has been a legal consultant to the Ministry of Environment and Forest, the UNDP, the World Meteorological Organization, DFID, the University of Cambridge, the University of Birmingham and NIRD. He has drafted legislation on specific aspects of water and irrigation laws for state governments and provides regular legal advice to civil society organizations. He has been a Visiting Fellow, Centre for Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University and an India Visiting Fellow at the Golden Gate University, San Francisco and at the University of California, Berkeley. His books include Public Interest Litigation in India: Concepts, Cases, Concerns (Butterworths, 2007), Public Interest Litigation for the Halsbury's Laws of India (2005) and has co-authored Forest Laws, Wildlife Laws and Environment; Water Laws, Air Laws and Environment ; and Environment Protection, Land and the Energy Laws (Butterworths, 3 volumes, 2002).