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Articles et chapitres


Reconfiguring Legal Education to Deepen Gender Equality: Mainstreaming Gender Through Curriculum Review at the School of Law University of Nairobi

auteur(s): Patricia Kameri-Mbote and Seth Wekesa
source: East Africa Law Journal 54-81 (2018).
date: 2018
résumé size 771 [KB]

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Kenya

auteur(s): Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Sarah Kinyanjui & Yohana Gadaffi
source: East Africa Law Journal 184-209 (2018).
date: 2018
résumé size 689 [KB]

Constitutions as Pathways to Gender Equality in Plural Legal Contexts

auteur(s): Patricia Kameri-Mbote
source: 5/1 Oslo Law Review 20-40 (2018).
date: 2018
résumé size 1518 [KB]

Groundwater Law, Abstraction, and Responding to Climate Change - assessing recent law reforms in British Columbia and England

auteur(s): Birsha Ohdedar
source: Water International (2017)
date: 2017
résumé size 251 [KB]

Regulating the Interactions Between Climate Change and Groundwater: Lessons from India

auteur(s): Philippe Cullet, Lovleen Bhullar & Sujith Koonan
source: 42/6 Water International 646-62 (2017).
date: 2017
résumé size 189 [KB]

Right to Sanitation in India: Nature and Scope

auteur(s): Sujith Koonan
source: in K.J. Joy and Sarita Bhagat (eds), Right to Sanitation in India: Nature, Scope and Voices from the Margins (Pune: Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India, 2016), p. 1-14.
date: 2017
résumé size 465 [KB]

Gender Issues in Electoral Politics in Kenya: The Unrealized Constitutional Promise

auteur(s): Wanjiku Mukabi Kabira & Patricia Kameri-Mbote
source: in Collins Odote & Linda Musumba eds, Balancing the Scales of Electoral Justice - Resolving Disputes from the 2013 Elections in Kenya and the Emerging Jurisprudence (Rome: International Law Development Organization, 2016), p. 177-214.
date: 2016
résumé size 972 [KB]

Revamping the Groundwater Legal Regime in India: Towards Ensuring Equity and Sustainability

auteur(s): Sujith Koonan
source: 12(2) Socio-Legal Review (2016), p. 45-73.
date: 2016
résumé size 234 [KB]
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